Freemasonry in Southeast Ohio
Paramuthia Lodge #25 will be hosting Right Worshipful Brother Bill Carter for presentation of his Deputy Grand Master’s Rollout of his plans for 2024-25 should he be elected Grand Master of Masons in Ohio. The event will take place at Paramuthia Lodge #25 on Sunday, ,August 18, 2024 at 2:00 PM. The lodge will then host a Beer Brats with the Deputy Grand Master cookout fund-raiser to benefit RWB Carter’s Grand Lodge 2025 fund at 3:30 PM. Tickets are $20 each and will also enter you into a raffle for a $100 gift card to the Grand Lodge Apparel Shop, author-signed copies of 3 Masonic books written by RWB Dan Hrinko or a full-size set of blue prints for creating a set of working tools designed by RWB Hrinko. Additional raffle items may be added by event time. Tickets may be purchased through via Paypal or Venmo or by contacting WB Dennis Robertson @ 740-591-0089 or WB Eric Lee @ 740-707-9591. Tickets will also be available the day of the event.
Page Sponsors: This page is to proudly hosted by the Masons of the Athens Masonic Bodies: Paramuthia Lodge #25, Free and Accepted Masons; Athens Chapter #39, Royal Arch Masons; Athens Council #15, Royal and Select Masons; and Athens Commandery #15, Knights Templar. We try to provide information about Masonic Lodges and appendent Masonic Organizations from southeast and all of Ohio. Information about stated meetings, upcoming inspections and other special events/projects will be provided as the information becomes available.
Athens Masonic Bodies Calendar
Our pages are only as good as the information we receive. Contributions and corrections are always appreciated. We add and correct pages fairly regularly, so check back often for updates.
Autism Pins – Pins to support autism awareness have been created and are being sold by Paramuthia Lodge #25 thanks to an anonymous donation. Proceeds from the first batch are being used to send children with autism spectrum disorder to a summer camp sponsored by the local autism society. The pins are quite classy with the puzzle pieces logo for autism and the square and compasses. We are getting inquiries from many other brothers and bodies interested in purchasing.
Athens Council #15 will be hosting the combined cast with Bosworth and Hock Hocking Councils to portray the Super Excellent Master Degree on Friday, May 3, 7:00 PM.
Brother Howie Damron’s Masonic Pride Tour: Brother Howie Damron of South Point and country music artist has written several songs on Masonic topics including a song written at the request of Grand Master Ronald Winnett to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. He performed this song at the 17th Masonic District Founder’s Day dinner on Friday, January 4, 2008 which was very well received. This and other Masonic songs and one for the Order of DeMolay may be found on his new CD “The Masonic Touch.” He will be traveling the State of Ohio and performing his Masonic songs throughout our bicentennial year. More information on his tour and obtaining his CD may be found at his website.
Athens Masonic Scholarship: The application deadline for the Athens Masonic Scholarship is April 15 each year. The Athens Masonic Scholarship
is open to those who have a father, grandfather or brother who is a member of one of the Athens Masonic Bodies (Paramuthia Lodge #25, Athens Chapter #39, Athens Council #15 or Athens Commandery #15) or are a member of the Athens Assembly Order of Rainbow for Girls or Athens DeMolay. The application is available in PDF format or may be requested at: Athens Masonic Scholarship Committee, 12 West Carpenter, Athens,
OH 45701. Download the cover letter for more information on eligibility requirements.
Charity and Public Service: Background information about each branch of Freemasonry may be found in the “What Is…” link found under each body. Masons in the United States contribute nearly $2,500,000 EACH DAY through their various philanthropies. Information about each branch’s philanthropies may also be found in the “What Is …” section.
Webmaster N8SUZ, One Of Hiram’s Hams At Red Cross Base Station Purchased Through Athens Masonic Donations |
Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry |
” PIETRE-STONES “Review of Freemasonry | ” PIETRE-STONES “Review of Freemasonry | Olive Branch Lodge Excellent Masonic | George Washington Past Master Award, 2002 |
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- Grand Lodge of Ohio Freemasonry Information Site
- What is Symbolic Masonry?
- Ohio Masonic Home
- Upcoming Activities/Inspections for the7th Masonic District
- Upcoming Activities/Inspections for the 8th Masonic District
- Upcoming Activities/Inspections for the 12th Masonic District
- Upcoming Activities/Inspections for the 13th Masonic District
- Upcoming Activities/Inspections for the 17th Masonic District
Capitular Rite of Royal Arch Masons
- What is Capitular Masonry?
- Grand Chapter of Ohio Homepage/Inspection Schedules
- General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Homepage
Cryptic Rite of Royal and Select Masons
- What is Cryptic Masonry?
- Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio Inspection Schedules
- Grand Councilof Royal and Select Masons of Ohio Homepage
- General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International Homepage
Ohio Knights Templar Schedules
- What is Templar Masonry?
- Grand Commandery of Ohio Homepage
- Fourth Division Homepage
- Upcoming Activities/Inspections for GrandCommandery of Knights Templar of Ohio
- Grand Encampment of KnightsTemplar of the USA Homepage
Masonic History and Literature
- Links to Masonic Poetry and Speeches
- Rosslyn Chapel Website
- Philalethes Society
- Masonic Music at Kisswebsites
- “Men in Hats” article from Washington Post. 11/25/2001
Masonic-affiliated Youth Organizations
- International Order of DeMolay
- Ohio DeMolay Home Page
- International Order of Rainbow for Girls
- Ohio Order of Rainbow for Girls
- Job’s Daughters International
- Ohio Job’s Daughters
Masonic-affiliated Organizations for Men and Women
- General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star
- Ohio Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star
Other Masonic-affiliated Organizations